The Alpha Leader


Workshop Overview

This highly interactive workshop is designed to prepare an Alpha Leader through providing hands-on tools that ensure full understanding and comprehension of the role of a leader as a source of empowerment for the
team, hence enhancing the overall team performance & organizational success.

Learning Objectives :

• Develop self awareness and being more emotionally intelligent
• Deal with different work situations that requires self management and
regulate your actions
• Deliver your actual image to your team
• Identify credibility gaps , and develop a credible mindset
• Understand your team needs
• Align your team and cascade goals
• Identify Personality Styles & how to win with different styles
• Deal with your employees different situations and Link your leadership
Styles with their Maturity Levels
• Overcome employees barriers when delivering feedback
• Develop the skill of using coaching techniques to boost productivity,
optimize outcomes and empower team
• set priorities using Time Management Matrix
• Delegate effectively

If you want full outlines contact us on the below numbers : 

T: (202) 25281172

M: 01012769079

Email :



Full Schedule

Dates : 1,2,3 July 2024