How Do We Do

How Do We Do

We blend unique instructional design strategies and visual design techniques to create customised e-learning development solutions. We use analysis to evaluate the bookends of the ADDIE model and to put forth the concept that we are the vendor-partner who can shepherd your engagement from start to finish and address your challenges regardless of size or complexity. We always start with analysis, focusing intently on the underlying business drivers and the dimensions of the overall situation. Once we understand the business objectives, we work on strategy, helping you define and implement the right formula for success.


This first step is all about gathering information. Skills Bank doesn’t start planning any course until it understands the target audience and the main goals. So, at this stage, we ask many questions that help us to create a specific persona for the right targeted audience and determine the needed learning objectives based on Bloom Taxonomy that we need to cover and follow in the course in suitable ways. We collaborate to define the current performance and the desired performance to be fulfilled by the suitable solutions that we have, so we reach our main goals. At the end of this stage, we provide E-Learning solutions with a detailed plan for the whole E-Learning course that suits all the collected technical, audience, structure, and needs analysis.


E-learning solutions require creating highly customised content adjusted to the chosen tools. Thus, the instructional, technical, and visual aspects require a design strategy. At this stage, we create the structure of the course, start working on the layout sheet and the pilot storyboards, and collect the suitable voiceover talents to be approved by your side. After collaborating on all the above, we will start developing the prototype with the main guidelines that we agreed on to give you the chance to see how the final output will be before starting to design the whole course to be delivered to you as phases to work in an agile way. At the end of this stage, we will have detailed storyboards that contain the content ideas for each learning object and a clear vision of the best tools to use for the determined e-learning solutions.


At this stage, we begin developing your eLearning course and bring those identified content ideas to life when we put our designs and ideas into action. This means laying out the content visually, creating graphics, recording videos, carefully selecting colours to match our approved colour palette and styles, and building the course in the eLearning authoring tool such as “Articulate 360, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Aftereffect, Adobe Premiere, Etc..” which means this stage has anything that has to do with creating the actual end-product for the learners, then uploading it on the LMS and testing the functionalities. At the end of this stage, we will have the actual end product. Also, the course will be uploaded and tested by your side on IsDB’s Learning Management System (LMS), and any issues in any file format package will be solved by Skills Bank.


At this stage, your e-learning course has been created, tested, and approved. Now it’s time for your learners to take the course. Audience and the main goals. Once the course is distributed and users begin taking it, we will pay close attention to see if any issues arise and implement them. At the end of this phase, we will finalize all the arising issues to have a perfect end product on LMS.


After the e-learning course is designed, developed, and implemented, Skills Bank will support you to make sure it’s doing its job. Is the course effective? Are your learners confused? The evaluation phase is all about gathering important information to see if the course needs to be revised and improved or not. At the end of the evaluation phase, we will have detailed information about what you need to revise or improve for this course or future courses. Feedback from Learners Coaching